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Goods & Service Tax


    As the clock is ticking, one of most awaited and fundamental change in Indirect Tax is fast approaching. Yes we are talking of one of the biggest change in Independent History of India in Tax i.e Goods and Service Tax popularly known as“GST”. With majority to the Ruling party in the center and most of States agreeing to this change the deadline set by the Government is likely to be achieved, so from 1st July 2017 the introduction of these sweeping change in Indirect Tax is reality.

    We at RSVA & Co. are always ready to accept the challenge of the changes and provide the best of professional services to business entity. With such a little time remaining to make your business GST ready, we have created a separate pool of Professionals who are expert in the field. GST Consulting Vertical of RSVA & CO will be dedicated to GST only and we are confident that your business will be ready for taking maximum benefits out of the new law.

    We intend to provide the GST consulting in following areas :
    1.        Analysis of current Business Processes

    2.       Identifying impact of GST on your Business                                               

    3.       Transitional Provisions.

    4.       Post implementation services.



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